I grew up in Minneapolis and have been growing native plants for about 7 years as a way to enhance my connection with the natural history of this specific place that I live. The first plants I ever grew were a few garden beans that I threw out into our front yard when I was in about 2nd grade. They grew, and I was amazed and have been enthralled with plants ever since. I have about 2 years of college behind me, no degree. I took a great Plant Propagation course at the U. of MN. a few years ago which was excellent. Observing and interacting with growing plants , especially natives, is truly inspirational to me. I don't claim to be an expert with plants, natives included, but mostly would like to encourage others to develop their own experience with these amazing transformers of solar energy.
Nice pictures. Although I enjoy the full grown plants of summer, there is something so fun had promising about the first buds and leaves of spring.